Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Singing Bowl

Tibetan Singing Bowl  -  the bowl  "sings" when tapped with a wooden hammer .

There is nothing in the world that does not speak to us. Everything and everybody reveals their own nature, character,and secrets continuously. The more we open up to our inner senses,the more we can understand the voice of everything.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Thank you for visiting


  1. A veritable treasure trove of objects to make one's heart sing! I must admit, I do love trying to make a Tibetan bowl "sing" any time I come across one, stirring round and round to get the hum resounding through the store. It seems that some will respond more willingly than others to my touch, though perhaps that's more due to my own ineptitude.

    1. Louciao, I'm drawn to drums and can never resist sounding them when I find them on display. I have a book on the uses of singing bowls,however I usually just like to let the sound resonate around the house.

  2. I love singing bowls...had a healing with one once
    that was so gentle and subtle. They are wondrous!
    Love your photos of your altar...the colors of life!

    1. Akasa Wolfsong, I'm interested to hear of your healing - sounds amazing!

  3. Those materials are so pretty. How charming voices can be sound if they could talk! I like this title “The Singing Bowl”.
    I have been very busy these days, so it is easy to live without noticing the own nature of everything and hearing the voice of everything around me so much. The busy days make my eyes blunt. Thank you for sharing, Ruby.
    Have a good day!

    1. Tomoko, I like the expression "making the eyes blunt" - when we are busy it's so easy to ignore the subtleties of life. I've been visiting Tantallon Castle today,in flurries of snow....very atmospheric! I'll show the photos on my other blog soon. Thanks for your comments Tomoko,they are especially appreciated as I know you have lots to do. Happy Weekend!

    2. Thank you Ruby, you are lenient with my poor English!! I appreciate your kind reply.

    3. Tomoko, your english is great,I always understand you perfectly.....and that's what matters I think! I'm assuming this is a Japanese expression?

    4. Hi,again, Ruby
      Yes,Yes,Yes, I know my words tend to directly interpreted by the way of Japanese
      language.I hope my simple English words convey with my faith, at least!

      I look forward to reading your next post.
      Stay warm,

  4. How beautiful....

    That quote...I need to internalize that one....trying to live more by this principle...
    You have a brilliant eye for the smallest of details, dear Ruby...the mark of a true artist indeed.
    Thank you for reminding us of such wisdom...
    That is a stunning new header, by the way!
    Love and light,
    - Irina

    1. Irina, glad the quote resonates with you!

      Love and light to you too!

  5. lots of sounds and colours here! A contrast too to the incredible monochrome that's drifting over the landscape here - but I'm enjoying it. It might reach the city too!
    M xx

    1. I've been looking forward to snow but the scant covering which fell last last night seems to be melting in the sun. I even managed to miss any proper snow at Tantallon yesterday.....however,more is forcast I hear!

  6. I agree. When all our senses are opened up and we become more aware, we see, hear, and smell what we don’t usually notice. That ability gets lost in daily rush. I’m imagining how the bowl sings and what it talks to me.



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